Jun 8, 2011

Jun 5, 2011

more nids

amazing... i take pics with my phone today and they turn out better than yesterday's... taken with my actual camera. yay for HTC :p go figure

todays work - the last of the 3 zoanthropes. need some more work on their necks, though its enough for today. im having fun making skeletal parts in press moulds for use on the bases

Jun 4, 2011


well after what feels like a day of hard work toiling on those oh so hard to paint carapaces i think i'm almost done with the carnifex (just need to add some tufts of grass on the base once the snow is dry). actually it took me (a shameful) 8 hours start-to-finish to get this model done and well over half of that was the many layers on the armour plates...

the blue is simple hawk turquoise drybrushed on in a few layers with skull white added to it for another two or three layers (mostly to the tail, head and highlight areas). very quick and dirty and simple - just the way i like it :)

the armour plates are a base of chaos black with skull white added for about 8 consecutive layers until i was applying pure skull white. the paint was applied in a stripey fashion with an old flat brush, which helped speed up the process somewhat. but still... a very painstaking progress that i dont particularly enjoy (and it shows on the vents on the back too - they were the last part i painted), which is a shame as i love the final effect. the scything blades are just black and gloss varnish.

the fleshy areas between the armour is dwarf flesh overbrushing with some wkull white added for the second layer. an old black ink was added after

the tongue is just red gore with added tanned flesh. the base rim is vallejo charred brown (exactly the same as GW scorched brown) while the earth is a mix of chaos black thrakka green, vermin brown and shadow grey applied in patchy sections for variations, all highlighted with fortress grey though truth be told its probably not worth it as i end up covering most of it up with snow anyway, so ill likely just stick to a simpler method with other models. the snow itself is pva with baking powder sprinked on top.